This is a conservation seed mix for coastal habitats containing 26 UK native wildflowers. This mix is suited for low fertility soils near sea cliffs or shingle beaches that are subjected to salt spray. It is represented by the NVC maritime cliff communities MC1 to MC12 and the ‘martime, cliff and slope’ habitat of principle importance. This is a low fertility sward on shallow soils and should not require intensive management. Coastal grassland can provide important foraging for Chough and provide microhabitats for rare invertebrates such as Glanville Fritillary
Suitable NVC Communities: MC1; MC2; MC3; MC4; MC5; MC6; MC7 MC8; MC9; MC10; M11; MC12;
Sowing Rate: 1 to 2g/m²
Contains: Wildflowers 100% (26 species)
Available in 250g, 500g, 1kg, 2kg
Achillea millefolium – (Yarrow)
Anthyllis vulnearia – (Kidney Vetch)
Armeria maritima – (Thrift)
Centaurea scabiosa – (Greater Knapweed)
Daucus carota – (Wild Carrot)
Echium vulgare – (Viper’s Bugloss)
Galium verum – (Lady’s Bedstraw)
Hypericum perforatum – (Perforate St John’s Wort)
Hypochaeris radicata – (Common Cat’s-Ear)
Leucanthemum vulgare – (Ox-Eye Daisy)
Linaria vulgaris – (Yellow Toadflax)
Lotus Corniculatus – (Bird’s-Foot Trefoil)
Ononis repens – (Common Restharrow)
Plantago coronopus – (Buck’s-Horn Plantain)
Plantago maritima – (Sea Plantain)
Plantago media – (Hoary Plantain)
Prunella vulgaris – (Selfheal)
Rumex acetosa – (Common Sorrel)
Sanguisorba minor – (Salad Burnet)
Sedum album – (Biting Stonecrop)
Sedum anglicum – (English Stonecrop)
Silene maritima – (Sea Campion)
Silene vulgaris – (Bladder Campion)
Thymus praecox – (Wild Thyme)
Tragopogon pratensis – (Goat’s Beard)
Tripleurospermum maritimum – (Sea Mayweed)
N.B: All seeds specified in this mixture are subject to availability at the time of purchase.